If someone has stolen content from your website and is hosting it somewhere else, without your permission, DMCA.com can help. Go to: www.weedep.com/takedowns/signup/ and complete the form
Simply submit the name / URL HTTP link location of where you found your stolen work and we can go to work on your behalf.

There has been a rapid increase of popular websites being copied verbatim and re-hosted elsewhere to capitalize on Google search engine traffic. DMCA.com has helped many clients where this has happened. Often the first signs that this has occurred is a drop on google page ranking. Where your website may have dropped from page 1 to 2 or 22. Register now and we can help

Some examples of stolen content that we work with everyday are:

  • Pictures - either of you or taken by you
  • Videos - of you or taken by you
  • Graphics
  • Text
  • Applications
  • Programs
  • Profiles or Bio's - personal or corporate
  • etc

If one of these examples is like your situation we can probably help.

  1. go to: https://www.weedep.com/signup/ and complete the form
  2. swear the content is yours by checking the appropriate box on the DMCA form

You can also submit a question regarding your takedown or case here: https://www.weedep.com/questions

Start Your Takedown here: www.weedep.com/takedown/signup
Modified: 01/11/2019
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:10f00c05-649c-4163-9d2a-2cdfbece8d76
AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: https://www.weedep.com/faq/someone-is-stealing-my-website-traffic.amp