If your ebook is being sold or published online without your permission DMCA.com can help.
We often handle cases where an author has found a copy of their ebook on a torrent or even an ecommerce site. If this is happening to you DMCA.com can process a takedown to get your property taken offline.
There are a number of well known, popular ebook distribution sites and forums that promote pirated copies of ebooks for download or sale. We can find your book and then process takedowns to get it removed from these sites.
Simply complete the DMCA takedown form by clicking here: ebook takedown
Start Your Takedown here: ebook takedown form
Modified: 01/08/2019
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:e20c567d-7ede-4ca6-9e73-e3fbeab042bd
AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: https://www.weedep.com/faq/my-ebook-is-being-published-online-illegally.amp