Quick way to add DMCA Protection to all pages.

Adding the DMCA.com Protection Badge to all pages is easy. To quickly add a DMCA Protection Badge to all your website pages simply:

  1. Register for a free account, here - Signup
  2. Log into the DMCA Protection Portal.
  3. Go to "Badges" at the top and pick a badge you like
  4. Copy and paste the code into your website
  5. Or, try our new No Badge protection service
  6. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Dashboard using the button in the top right
  7. Click Add Item to Protect
  8. Input the link of the item you would like to protect
  9. Click "ADD FAST"
  10. Every page that contains a DMCA Protection Badge will be automatically added to the "Your Protected Pages" list.

Every page that contains a DMCA Protection Badge will be automatically added to the "Your Protected Pages" list. You can login and view your complete index of protected pages list on your Dashboard here: DMCA.com Dashboard



DMCA.com Fast Tip

When content is stolen on average it can take up to 10 business days for content to be removed. It all depends on the site and conditions of the takedown notice. One of the advantages of using DMCA.com's Professionally Managed Takedown service is the experience and expertise of the takedown team in building and processing takedown notices.


What's the fastest way to index all of my Protected Pages?

Utilize the Fast Index tool to streamline the indexing procedure for each page featuring your badge across all your service-indexed sites. By default, users with website protection can initiate a complimentary fast index for up to 10,000 pages. Additional pages can be indexed at a rate of $1 per 1000.

To initiate the fast index, navigate to the "Protected Pages" section of the dashboard. Locate your site (listed with its badge ID) in the dropdown menu within the header and click the "Fast Index" button.

The fast index modal presents options for your indexed domains, along with choices for paid and unpaid indexing. Upon making your selection, click the relevant option to commence the automatic crawling of each page within the specified domain. Once the scan concludes, a link to your index will be provided.

The indexing results display details for each page, up to the predetermined limit, gathered during the scan, along with badge detection status. For pages with a detected badge, manually click the corresponding "Submit Badge" button or select multiple pages by checking the checkboxes on the left side. After selecting multiple pages, use the "Submit Multiple Badges" button in the top-right section of the table header. The progress of each index will update in real-time for each page in the table.

This indexing process mirrors the conventional 'manual' indexing approach by visiting each page and reviewing its associated DMCA.com badge status page. Similar to the manual method, the indexing process may take 24 to 48 hours to reflect within your protected pages list.

To access details on previous indexing jobs, open the Fast Index modal and click "My Fast Indexes" at the bottom.

How can the DMCA.com badge protect my content?

DMCA.com offers a range of services to help protect website content and address copyright infringement issues. Some of the key services provided by DMCA.com include:

Takedown Services

DMCA.com can assist in sending DMCA takedown notices on behalf of content owners to request the removal of infringing material from websites and online platforms. This is a legal process to address copyright violations.

Protection Badges

Website owners can display DMCA protection badges on their sites to signal their commitment to respecting copyright and intellectual property rights. The badge acts as a deterrent to potential infringers and reassures copyright holders.

Website Monitoring

DMCA.com offers monitoring services to regularly scan the web for instances of potential copyright infringement related to your content. This can help identify unauthorized use and take prompt action.


Watermarking is a technique used to embed a visible or invisible mark on digital content, such as images, videos, or documents. Watermarks serve as a form of identification and can be used to indicate ownership or copyright information. DMCA.com provides tools that allow users to add watermarks to their content, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to use the material without proper attribution or permission.



DMCA.com Testimonial

We contacted DMCA.com regarding a site using Intellectual Property on products without permission. The site had ignored a previous removal request. DMCA.com got the content removed within the week, and we're so appreciative. Their team was not only helpful and patient, but they communicated clearly and were effective in getting the unauthorized content removed. Thank you so much for the service you provide, it truly is needed. - KC


DMCA.com Knowledge Base

The DMCA.com knowledge base serves as a resource for users seeking information about copyright-related issues, DMCA protection, and the services provided by DMCA.com. A knowledge base typically includes articles, guides, FAQs, and other informative content to help users understand how to use the platform effectively and navigate copyright-related challenges. The DMCA.com knowledge base covers topics such as:

  1. DMCA Basics: Information about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), its purpose, and how it applies to online content.
  2. Using DMCA.com Services: Guides and tutorials on how to use DMCA.com's services, including steps for submitting DMCA takedown notices, registering content, and utilizing content protection tools.
  3. Copyright Law: Educational resources on copyright law, including explanations of rights and responsibilities for content creators and website owners.
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Commonly asked questions and answers related to DMCA issues, copyright infringement, and the services provided by DMCA.com.
  5. Troubleshooting and Support: Information on resolving common issues, accessing customer support, and troubleshooting problems related to DMCA.com services.
  6. The knowledge base is a valuable resource for users to find self-help information and gain a better understanding of the processes and tools available on the DMCA.com website.


Related DMCA.com FAQs

  1. What is a DMCA Takedown?
  2. What is the Price of a DMCA.com Takedown?
  3. Multiple Badge account pricing schedule
  4. Personal Reputation Monitoring Services


Modified: 06/11/2024
Category: Frequently Asked Question
By: Mr. DMCA Helper
FAQ ID:56da850c-7a30-4dd6-90b6-aba5646653b5
AMP Version of this content is available.AMP URL: https://www.weedep.com/faq/is-there-a-quick-way-to-add-dmca-protection-to-all-my-pages.amp